What is CRISAFE all about?
Critical infrastructure early warning systems and population awareness for multi hazard cascading event

Over the past decade, Europe has experienced a rise in urban flooding due to the combined effects of global warming and urbanization, with Mediterranean countries like Croatia, Italy, and the Netherlands being particularly affected. Sudden floods and river overflow have inflicted significant damage to infrastructure and posed substantial risks to safety. For instance, in 2020, Zagreb faced severe flooding due to inadequate drainage systems, while in 2021, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands grappled with extensive river floods.
In response to these challenges, the CRISAFE project emerges as a collaborative initiative co-funded by the European Union through the Civil Protection Mechanism.
CRISAFE aims to refine and implement a harmonized risk assessment methodology tailored to the unique challenges posed by cascading multi-hazard scenarios prevalent in the participating countries. Drawing upon expertise gained from previous initiatives such as oVERFLOw and CROSScade, the project integrates advanced vulnerability assessment methods into risk evaluations. Through innovative visualization tools and their integration into critical infrastructure management platforms, CRISAFE strives to establish a cascading multi-hazard Early Warning System (CHEWS), aligning with the objective of bolstering disaster resilience across multiple states.

CRISAFE seeks to enhance public awareness of risks by devising strategies to improve access to cascading risk information. Through meticulously planned case studies in the cities of Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Zagreb (Croatia), CRISAFE aims to demonstrate the practical applicability of its outputs within the IT platforms of relevant Critical Infrastructure Managers (CIMs) and first responders.
CRISAFE represents a concerted effort by seasoned collaborators to address the complex challenges posed by urban flooding and related hazards. Through its innovative methodologies and strategic partnerships, CRISAFE aims to pave the way for enhanced resilience and risk management across Europe’s urban landscapes.